By whatever metric you choose.

  1. No, but I do know I easily could be. I’m better off than the average American right now, but our system is designed that we could fall off at any point.

  2. We are fed, clothed and sheltered- and loved. To a good part of the world, we are rich beyond measure.

  3. Yeah, I’m disabled and live with my disabled ex. He gets SSI, I get food stamps and some cash assistance. We live in a very small studio apartment.

  4. Technically yes since I’m a student but I have everything I need thanks to my mom

  5. I have been before and I’m not poor currently. But I see so many comments and posts on Reddit where they are upset because they are living paycheck to paycheck and can barely afford essentials but their income is double or more what my spouse makes. It makes me feel a little confused when I see that.

  6. Yes, Im 58, single, no close family, unemployed , no savings, 4 lbs of beans and a package of bacon. I’ve got a paid for mobile home, a reddit acct, and a dodgy 97 Mazda. Some household furnishings, a few hundred in the bank and that’s it.

  7. Yes. I share a three bedroom with 10+ people. I’m also “rich”, because my savings rate is really high.

  8. I feel I’d get a lot of hate if I say yes, but I do feel poor relative to what other software engineers with my years of experience make.

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