There is this guy that I started talking to about 2 months ago And when we were 1st talking everything seemed really good until I got into my emotions and wasn’t getting the answers that I wanted and got into a disagreement with him. We had about a week or 2 of awkwardness of not talking to each other until I decided to reach out With small talk and then he invited me to the movies and on the way we talked about what had happened during that awkward stage and things seem to be good but I am overthinking Knowing that things are not the same but I did play a part in that. He let me know that he has his guard up when it comes to relationships because of his past relationships so I feel like with the disagreement we had made him put up his guard with me my question is do I keep trying to to pursue him Because it seems like he is still giving me a chance even though I started unnecessary issues about not getting answers I wanted or do I let it go and just be his friend since things arent how it started off? ( This probably has nothing to do with anything but I’m into astrology and I am a Virgo woman and he is a Libra man)

1 comment
  1. I was gonna say that I’m in the same boat and then I got to the end of your message and the guy I’m seeing is also a libra lol I do not understand them, same excuses and all, well I don’t have a good advice but hope you do the right thing for you.

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