If you have an issue with someone, is it always better to tell them in person as opposed to via text?

I have a roommate that keeps slamming the door for no reason and I’m not sure how to confront him about it.

I think he might be deaf and he’s seemingly got other mental issues. What should I do?

  1. In person is usually a better way to have an authentic conversation with someone. Texting will leave you open to misunderstanding. You wont be able to read each others facial expressions and body language. Also, at the end of a conversation like that, in person you can handshake or hug it out, which is always beneficial.

  2. Having difficult conversations is a social skill, valuable in all walks of life. (family, work, social life etc.) Texting something to someone who lives where you do is an obvious means of avoiding that conversation.

    If it’s a skill you don’t care about developing, sure, go ahead and text him. Or leave a note on the kitchen table or on his door.

    How do you have a roommate that you think “might be deaf?” Are you kidding about that, or do you really have no idea whether the guy can hear? If he can’t hear and you can’t sign, then I guess texting is the way to go.

    Good luck!

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