I’ve been slightly wanting it for a minute now. It’s not something that I desperately want to do otherwise I would have gotten it already. It’s summer and I wear a lot of mesh and see through shirts. I also plan to go to bunch of outdoor concerts coming up and jewelry to me is just always a must. My boyfriend thinks it’s going to give me saggy nipples after a certain amount of time which so far seems like the only slight con. He isn’t opposed to it though, his main concern is he thinks I’ll always have my shirt off around other people. Which of course I’m going to show people when I first get it especially because it’s summer time, but after my personal hype dies down and it gets cold outside I’ll be conservative again.

  1. I once saw one ripped out in a pit at a Tool concert. I haven’t been able to look at them the same again.

  2. Getting a nipple ring, in the middle of summer, while going to festivals and showing it off through mesh shirts.

    Why do you just start with a small piercing and enjoy the infections abound if that’s how you go about getting one? Those things require 24/7 cleaning for first week or more pretty much.

    That’s all advice I have, be nice to your body.

  3. I wanted my tongue done and went to get it but they told me they couldn’t do it so I decided to do my nipple for fun instead.

    Kept it for a while but then I started doing martial arts and had to keep taking it out. One day I decided to just leave it out and was left with one nipple bigger than the other. No big deal. I live in a cold place and rarely get my man-tits out, right?

    A year later I stopped doing martial arts and moved to Australia and my man-tits were now frequently on show to the world.

    One day I was walking past a piercing shop and had a bright idea. So I walked in and got the other nipple done. you know, to balance them out?

    A year after that, I started doing martial arts again so took the piercing out and hey, whaddya know? Nipples look fine again now.

  4. I used to have them. They were always infected and my ex wife didn’t like them

  5. The installation of weak points into a highly sensitive part of your body seems like a really dumb idea to me.

  6. Why would I, a straight male have an opinion on male nipple rings? Do whatever you want lol

  7. No, just no. To each their own though. Even on chicks, they may be nice to look at but the feeling is ruined when you feel a piece of metal in your mouth.

  8. Had one for many years, don’t regret it at all. Felt like part of it. Removed it closer to 30.

    Felt silly and would cause too many issues. Nipple will never be the same. Don’t really care for it.

    Super hot on chicks though.

  9. I had them done when I was young. The thrill wore off quickly once I realized there was constant cleaning of the crust required and also they get caught on everything. Can report my nipples have zero sag, so that might be a myth.

  10. Piercings are incredibly stupid.

    “Hey, how about I jam a metal bolt through your tit?”

    “That’s a fucking great idea!”

  11. I’ve had pierced nipples for about 25 years. They cause erotic stimulation which is good. The only down side is that they get cold and can be painfully cold for small sensitive male nipples.

    Despite what they tell you, it takes about a year for the inside to heal all the way through. Your nipples also get larger with scar tissue inside. I have noticed that one nipple has sagged, perhaps from wearing large heavier rings.

  12. I had a pierced nipple in college. Got in a drunk wrestling match one night, and it was torn out. I wish I had not ever got that pierced.

  13. I’m not sure to tell anyone what to put on their body, but I find piercings in general repulsive. I don’t even really like looking at earrings on women so you can assume positions on just about anything relating to piercing.

    But if you think you would look nice with some nipple piercings, I say do it.

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