I am 23 year old guy, who has never really had friends and has never been a romantic or sexual relationship. So I know my social skills are poor. But I just don’t understand why you would give me your number and not respond when I text you.

Please allow me to set the scene.

I have a neighbor (25m) who is pretty cool and have a lot of similar interests , he seems social enough, always talks to everybody and waves, so I figured i would ask if he would want to hang out some time. (My intentions are purely platonic, I just want a friend. ) He said sure, gave me his number and we went about our nights. It took a lot for me to ask so I know I looked and sounded nervous. I gave it a few days before I texted him because I knew he said would be busy. My text just said “Hey, this is \*blank\* right?” he said “yes, who is this?” I responded “sorry I was just making sure I had the right number. This is OP from next door”. he never responded back. I though my text might not have gone through so I sent another text that said “hey, this Op from next door. I was just wondering if my last text went through?” again, no response. I ran into him again a month later and I’m pretty sure he forgot my name. Kept saying “hey buddy. Hows it going buddy. Have a good one buddy”.

Please don’t make fun of me, I’m just trying to understand what I did wrong. I’m tired of just being a background character and want to have at least one friend.

  1. You did nothing wrong, he just was polite but not available. Try with someone else.

  2. He could be going through something personal that has nothing to do with how he feels about you…he could have crippling anxiety. I would communicate to him an courteous open invitation to make plans with you and leave the ball in his court and don’t take it personal if he doesn’t reach out…

  3. Doesn’t seem like you did anything wrong. Just that he’s not interested, and that’s okay. You’ll get a number of people who aren’t interested, that’s just how it is. Just keep trying until you find someone who’d like to make a new friend too

  4. IK I will frequently give my number to ppl I don’t necessarily want any kind of relationship with or even sometimes ppl I actively DON’T want a relationship with because I get flustered in the perceived pressure of the moment of having someone ask for my number n not knowing how to politely/safely say “no”. So maybe something similar happened with ur neighbor?

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