What are your best Glow Up tips?

  1. This probably only works depending on your personality, but fix your sleep schedule and operate on a morning/night schedule. Helps me feel better and more in control of my day, which leads to benefits in all aspects of my life

  2. Find out what skincare routine works the best for you, I wish I had known this in high school

  3. Be authentic and just embrace whatever style really excites you, even if not everybody loves it.

  4. Just be convinced that you’re hot and don’t be afraid to draw attention to your hotness. Decide your clothing/makeup accordingly. I became hotter when I became more confident. Earlier I’d keep my hair tied up, not wear lipstick, wear clothes that allowed me to blend in. No more.


    Also sleep 8 hours a night, or at least the same timeframe every night REALLY helps with healthy skin and eyebags.

    Drink plenty water, do some stretches, remind yourself you’re a goddess that deserves respect, practice good hygiene and keep yourself MOISTURIZED!

    Healthy skin is beautiful because you’re taking care of and loving yourself! 💖💖💖 (Also healthy doesn’t mean clear, it just means taken of, they key to beauty is that it’s in the eye of the beholder!)

  6. – stay hydrated
    – move your body regularly
    – eat your veggies
    – customized skincare routine
    – focus on yourself and your problems and goals and dreams
    – wear clothes that fit your body well
    – wear colors that make you glow
    – grooming & hygiene (hair, nails, etc)
    – be kind to others
    – heal your trauma
    – don’t compare yourself to others
    – gratitude

  7. Drink a load of water and then drink more

    Move everyday even if you don’t feel like it

    Think of five things you’re grateful for every night before you go to sleep

  8. Hard break from social media really helps and stop comparing , deleting the apps prevents checking and you can always message ppl

  9. Cynical view – the biggest way to get a conventional physical glow up is… have more money. Gyms cost money, eating well costs more, skincare and makeup is expensive, a good haircut is extremely expensive and don’t get me started on dental care etc.

    More optimistic view – non conventional non physical glow ups are so much better for you in the long term. Delete social media, curate your friend group, get enough sleep, spend time getting to know who you are and become ok with who that person is.

  10. Take good care of yourself (physically), but be the sort of person where despite how good you look, your appearance is the _least_ interesting thing about you.

  11. Get actual medical help for conditions (acne, sudden weight gain, bloating, losing hair, dull skin). Many things which seem like ‘beauty’ related things are actually ‘health’ related. I’ve spent so much money buying expensive serums and ‘keto snacks’ etc etc and that money could be much better spent going to a a good doctor, getting proper blood work done and getting to the root of the issues.
    (Also: iron your clothes. Makes a world of difference.)

  12. The usual, take care of yourself, stress management sleep,exercise.Mental and physical health is always beautiful. Read,dream,listen to music. Take necessary steps to bring your dreams to fruition.

    Always try to maintain your empathy and try not to let this world make you too bitter or jaded.

    Remember to play.Play is important even for adults.
    My personal philosophy is life is too short NOT to make snow angels when the weather or mood strikes, but to each his or her own. Find fun whenever or wherever possible.

    Learn! About the world, yourself and others.
    Study whatever you’re passionate about for the sake of learning about it.

    I think people who remember these things tend to look,act and feel young for ages and something about them just glows.

    That to me is something to aspire to!

  13. Damn, my glow up was from a heart break 🙁

    Don’t want anybody to go through what I went through, most important tips:

    Never lowball yourself! Don’t ever think you deserve lesser than what you actually do!

  14. as someone who has looked the same their entire life: washing my face, changing my hair, eating better, and exercising changes the way you look and feel drastically

  15. Stop drinking alcohol. You’ll feel so much better. Time to practice what I preach though.

  16. Retinol and finding a good cut and color for your face shape. If you aren’t feeling confident, fake it til you make it. Less alcohol more water.

  17. Drink lots of water, get enough sleep, eat healthy (as a general habit), find your sense of style, and take care of your skin!

  18. Find a therapist. It all starts from the inside! Even if you don’t think you need therapy, you will be surprised at the emotional junk you end up finding and can address.

  19. Do your damn skincare, I SWEAR.

    Man, woman, non-binary, every person I’ve gotten on to get a skincare routine has come back saying their skin has never been this healthy/glowing/flawless/hydrated. Plus, I’ve found it’s built a great routine in the morning which is important for someone like myself with ADHD.

    Put in the time to research or ask an expert what would be best for your skin type. You don’t have to drop big money at the beginning if you don’t want, I’ve found drugstore brands like Cetaphil and Cerave were amazing for saving my skin. I actually feel comfortable going outside without makeup now and that just gives my skin more chance to breathe, when I’m not constantly slathering on makeup just to leave the house.

    Edit: I’m forever grateful to the friend that hounded MY ass about taking care of my skin, so that’s why I’m here today.

  20. Routines work wonders, mind first then body (when dieting and working out), stop giving attention to people that are not worth it, take sexy pictures for yourself, hair care is a MUST, wash your face and use sunscreen, wear things that make u happy and feel hot and so on.

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