Gay and Straight Men of Reddit, When and How did you know, with absolute certainty, that you were truly in love for the first time?

  1. Being with her was the only thing i wanted to do, talking to her felt natural, like she was already in my brain. I never really “felt” it like in the movies, i just knew i wamted her

  2. You don’t until later years. You kinda do a “thing” it happens to pan out for years and that becomes your thing. Confusing right? That’s how it works tho.

  3. I sucked at articulating my emotions back when I first fell in love, so I’m not sure I could say now either. Besides, absolute certainty isn’t a good idea, especially about emotions. I mean you can be sure about how you feel, but that doesn’t mean it’ll stick.

    I don’t know if I like the phrasing “truly in love.” Deciding to love someone, and not stop, is more important than what you’re referring to. It’s not like you don’t “fall” in love. But it’s not like you should rely on that as your decision-maker, or motivator, because your emotions are fickle. Falling in love is fun, but it sucks compared to actively and conscientiosly loving. That’s a truer love than the kind you fall into anyway. So you could say I knew it was true love when *I committed myself to making it so.*

  4. When you have a strong desire to care for their well-being and give them affection even though they are not your responsibility.

  5. A few months ago.

    I’m widowed. My last marriage was a dysfunctional mess.

    I’m back with a lovely foreign woman who I dated many years ago. I’m experiencing true, deep, unadulterated love. I’ve never been loved as strongly as now and I love her just as much. It’s really uplifting. Like I WANT to do great things for her.

  6. On the first date when we just started acting like teenagers ( I was 20)

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