So me and this girl who I’ve been talking to for a while sort just had a serious talk about our feelings and this is how it went; she said she really likes me but she doesn’t really feel a Romatic spark. At first glance I thought damn I don’t think u can comeback from that but then she said we should meet up and talk about it so I sorta think she still wants to try. I think she thinks this coz I got the vibe from her very early on that she would prefer if we took things slow and she even said at one point, the minute she feels pressured she pulls herself away, so I didn’t try anything to forward coz I really like her and I didn’t want to mess it up. So I’ve got everything I want to say planned, but i need to know soon coz im in limbo, if I tell her about how I was nervous to try because I didn’t want to mess it up she will realise that I want to to have romance with her? Or is the chat thing sorta just a formality to conclude out situation. Sorry if this is confusing, I’m confused. Any advice would make the world of different. Thanks in advance

1 comment
  1. – So me and this girl who I’ve been talking to for a while sort just had a serious talk about our feelings and this is how it went

    Don’t have serious talks about feelings with girls if you haven’t at the very least been making out with her for a while. That’s like the bare minimum… And ideally, you also should have had sex first too before discussing feelings.

    Discussing feelings without having kissed first is just always gonna result in the girl telling you how much she values the friendship or how she only likes you as a friend.

    – she said she really likes me but she doesn’t really feel a Romatic spark.

    Knew it.

    – At first glance I thought damn I don’t think u can comeback from that but then she said we should meet up and talk about it so I sorta think she still wants to try.

    Some inexperienced girls want to try because they realise you are a good guy, unfortunately for you what they are doing when they say they’re wanna try, is to try to force themselves into being sexually attracted to you… And it doesn’t work because you cannot forced yourself to be sexually attracted to someone.

    – So I’ve got everything I want to say planned, but i need to know soon coz im in limbo, if I tell her about how I was nervous to try because I didn’t want to mess it up she will realise that I want to to have romance with her?

    You keep trying to make things serious, when it’s not about that. You also shouldn’t say that because it comes across as insecure which is off putting. Girls like confidence and those words are the opposite of someone confident.

    – Or is the chat thing sorta just a formality to conclude out situation. Sorry if this is confusing, I’m confused.

    It most likely won’t lead anywhere romantic, like i said when a girl says she doesn’t feel the spark it means she just sees you like a brother, a guy who is nice and all, a guy she could have fun with on a friendly way, but not someone she would kiss.

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