Please any advise here would be greatly appreciated. I have never officially dated this guy but for almost 5 years now have been madly and inexplicably in love with him.
He just ghosted me again and while I realize sound dumb at this point , i have tried everything in the book to get over him. This included no contact for almost a year on 2 separate occasions , deleting his number /email, no presence on social media , trying to date others, putting him out of my mind , etc. My devestation set in when I realized none of this was helping me and in many ways made me miss him more.
That is part of why i took him back into my life this time around And other times before . It seems im damned if I do and and damned if I don’t . Im wondering if others can offer some encouragement or tips on what to do at this point. Thank you so much !

  1. You have to love yourself and value yourself more. Because when you value yourself you won’t waste your time on someone who has clearly shown you he’s not interested and don’t want the same thing as you.

    You can’t allow him to have that much power over you that you can’t get over him.

    How many times does he have to show you he doesn’t value you or want the same thing as you?

    A wise woman once said… “Never make a man tell you more than once that he doesn’t want you”

    He’s shown you multiple times that he doesn’t want the same thing or feel the same way as you do.

    How many more times will he have to show you before you finally get it?

    The time and effort you’re wasting on him can be spent on someone who actually values you.

    Stop wasting your time and Value yourself!

    P.s. make sure you’re completely over him before entering a relationship with another because if you’re not it will ruin any future relationship.

  2. I had this same issue with a guy for about 7 years. I also tried everything you did to get over him, but nothing worked. My friends called me obsessed, I called it love, it was probably more infatuation. One day I finally said “screw it,” and told him how I felt. It was not mutual. I was pretty upset for a day, but then it was almost like a switch flipped. I had been holding onto my feelings and that hope for so long that letting it go was immensely healing. It’s also really difficult to fantasize about a relationship with someone when you know for a fact it’ll never happen.

    I didn’t find it embarrassing and part of me knew that I would probably be rejected going into it. I don’t talk to him anymore and barely think about him. I honestly wish I would have told him sooner.

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