Female here. Guy I’m talking to told me he clipped his nails in the middle of listing what he did for the day. Pretty odd thing to disclose. Like why else would I need to know that…

  1. Maybe that, maybe he just had a spectacularly boring day. Unless you were actually discussing sexy times, he probably didn’t mean anything sexy by it.

  2. Probably just had generally poor nail hygiene so when he actually clips them it’s something to talk about

  3. When you’re horny everything is a sign 😅😅😅

    I can imagine what would happen if he told you he…slllloooowwwwwwly heated his noodles in the microwave.

    Be well! And get some d1ck. Fast

  4. Maybe if a lot of fingering play has been a thing for you two?

    Do you two have issues initiating with each other?

  5. I don’t know if telling you is a hint, but nail clipping is definitely part of my date checklist for that reason.

  6. If it’s just like a list of things, like got up, showered, brushed teeth etc i would take it as the guy just replaying the days events in all the mundane glory

  7. Depends on how much detail he normally goes into. Like it could have been part of that he showered, shaved, took out the garbage, etc. It could just be the type of person he is and he is comfortable with being as detailed as possible.

    If it came up in the middle of other stuff such as “lunch with friends, clipped my nails, worked a few hours” then there is a distinct possibility (or one might be reasonable to suggest) that he’s slipping it in as a way to indicate that he, at minimum, thought ahead to being in your presence (sexually or in general).

    Or his nails were horrific and this was a big part of his day in either case…

    There’s not really any way to know, except that, if I tell someone I’m potentially or actually seeing that I painted my toenails, I’m absolutely intending for them to see later

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