It was going really well until we actually hooked up.
He laughed at going down on me. Tried to put his penis in me without getting me wet. I politely told him we might need lube, he put it on himself. Then continued, I told him to stop. He got all depressed. He just seemed so stressed. To relax him I went down on him. He cum in 3 mins, and that was it, he just layed there. Then he said to me he should have sucked himself off.

I feel so shit and need people to chat to. His asked if I’m ‘Angry’ at him?

It’s been 5 years since I’ve hooked up with someone. I feel so, idk

  1. Then… don’t hook up with anyone.

    You might end up having more episodes like this one.

    Try meeting someone you like, who likes you, and has enough respect for you to treat you well.

    Then try having sex with them. It’ll probably go better.

  2. Yeah, he needs to go crawl back under his rock.

    I’m really sorry you had such a bad experience – on the plus side, you’ve found the worst one – anyone else you hook up with is almost certainly going to be better.

  3. > He laughed at going down on me.

    As a guy if any woman did that to me it would take me a while to recover. I’d be mortified, it’s completely understandable that you’re feeling the way you are right now, OP. Dude seems like an insensitive asswipe.

    I hope you have better experiences with more supportive partners.

  4. Firstly, please get rid of this guy. I promise you decent partners (committed and FWB) are not this shitty nor selfish. Secondly, educate yourself on healthy boundaries so you know what to do when someone crosses them.

    Also, that guy was an asshole. I’m sorry he laughed at you and please take all the time you need to recover.

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