Out in public*

  1. I used to be in an interracial couple. I would just give them uncomfortable looks back, or ignore them completely

  2. Interracial relationship here. I don’t notice at all whether people give us looks or not. Go about your day and don’t worry about them.

  3. I usually just ignore them, if they don’t like it thats their problem not mine.

  4. Kiss! Hug. Smile. Be happy in the moment. I remember being in a gay bar and two men were kissing in the garden, I’m a straight woman but it made me happy that they could be together in a somewhat public safe place. You will cheer up those among us who value egalitarianism and love.

  5. I’m married a person from another race. My family doesn’t approve, but they’re subtle about it. I don’t give a s*** about that. What I give a s*** about is my ex-husband is a machista. Disrespects me abused me and treats me like dirt.

  6. I typically have blue hair, so I can never tell which they’re staring at 🤔

  7. It never bothered me when Idated my ex. I wear lolita fashion, so I’m used to weird looks.

  8. Interracial and lesbian relationship here. We just carry on with our day honestly. They don’t have to like it.

  9. It depends on my mood. Sometimes I stare like Wednesday Adams – narrowing my eyes like I’m making mental notes. I like how they become like rats and hurry on in shame. Otherwise, try not to look at them too much. You might find yourself looking in anticipation which will just steal your joy. We were in a big store today and as I am in a stunning mood, and the music was great, I danced! And sang! And celebrated feeling fantastic! If anyone had a problem, I don’t care. 😁💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾

  10. I don’t think the view are judgmental. Maybe they just look around and have a look on your Outfit. Or they recognize your different skin color and think “what a beautiful couple”. Or your style is different and people ask themself how you guys met? I made the last experience once. I saw a goth girl Holding hands with a Surfer Boy and probably stared a while but actually I just wondered how did these two meet?

  11. I was in an interracial relationship for 16 years (divorced and friends now). You just learn to ignore the looks. Let those bigots be uncomfortable on their own, no reason to let them affect us.

  12. I had to break up with him because it started causing a huge issue between the families

  13. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed any looks. I’ve had the ice cream store employee say she didn’t realize my husband and I were ordering together but by the scared look on her face moments after saying it I could tell she didn’t mean it to come out the way that it did.

    That’s about it.

  14. Carry on with my day. My partner and I usually hold hands and stroll along. Their uncomfortableness is a reflection of their small mindset.

    It also helps to know my partner is never bothered by it. If he was, maybe it would be different. But knowing he won’t bat an eye at others giving us looks makes me feel confident.

  15. it’s your life you do what you want to with it. People have their own opinions so I say give them the 🖕

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