19 year old college student here. Since i was born i always lacked human connection in my life because i was too nervous to talk to people but i’m better now. So i’m chatting with this girl ,same major-same uni, and we get along pretty well, sometimes we chat for 4-5 hours but we have never met in person yet and texting for several hours has started to get boring. So here’s what i don’t know what to do about; I think i like her but since i didn’t even hear her voice it seems like it’s just me being desperate for love or some kind of bond with a person, so it’s not real attraction. Should i take the risk of asking her to talk on the phone or just keep texting every now and then and just be friends? I said “risk” because i always have a hard time talking to people on the phone because i get too nervous and i don’t know whether she takes our friendship serious or not so it might be awkward to ask her to talk on the phone.

note: we’re in seperate cities right now.

1 comment
  1. As a woman who was once 19 – if she chats 4 to 5 hours with you, she takes your friendship pretty fucking seriously and might be waiting for you to take the next step. I know little to no women who would spend that many hours chatting to someone they don’t really care about.

    Do it man, be brave and call her, facetime, ask to meet up next time you’re in the same city… she’s probably just as nervous as you are. And if you don’t try now, you might regret it later.

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