What’s the first thought you have when you see a beautiful woman with an ugly man?

  1. That’s not something I bother to have any thoughts about. I don’t go around caring about how attractive I find the people in other couples. The only people’s opinions about their attractiveness that matter are the opinions of the people involved in the relationship. Just because someone in another relationship isn’t my type doesn’t mean that their partner doesn’t find them incredibly gorgeous and sexy. None of my business.

  2. Maybe I’m just super self centred but I don’t notice things like that

  3. She’s out of his league and wtf LMAO

    But honestly I heard that women are happier in relationships where they are the more attractive one.

  4. Did she lose her glasses 😂

    In all seriousness tho, it’s probably because the guy has something other guys don’t. Maybe he’s a really great guy, why judge him so badly on looks. Maybe he’s wealthy, maybe he’s responsible, maybe he clicks with her so well, maybe there sex life is crazy 😂, maybe she’s her type.
    Point is everyone sees beauty differently and there’s someone out there for you. It’s none of my business!

    Edit: perspective of a guy

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