My (20m) partner (20f) and I don’t live together as I live in barracks and she’s out flatting. She’s seemingly giving up, and outright appears to be depressed all the time. She doesn’t have any close friend/s, or even many regular friends to even hang out with aside from me. Her sister lives 10 hours away and she doesn’t get along with her family too well. She used to be in the military and recently left due to bullying from multiple higher ranks. She works 10 hours, 5 days a week as a dental assistant and loves the job, but hates the work environment, because even there, not many of them seem to be given proper respect and constantly work overtime even without being officially paid for doing overtime. It’s been about 4 months now and is trying to get back in the military to be a dental assistant there (much nicer unit if she did get in), but the dickhead recruiting per hasn’t made the effort to reply after two weeks of “waiting to get your report back”, and gave a seen after she’s asked if she can help with it. She’s barely able to save now and is upset that she’s still gaining weight despite working out most days. I suggested maybe she can try count calories but she wreckons she just doesn’t have the time. Now I am constantly seeing her depressed and upset but she’ll barely talk to me about it and finds it cringe or cliche when I tell her things like “you’re only 20, this isn’t the pinnacle of your life, and there’s still so much to look forward to.” She doesn’t agree with me, and yes it might be cringe and overused, but people say it often because it’s true. 20 is barely the start.

I honestly don’t know how to proceed, or what to do. Tomorrow I will look into it myself about the rejoining, but it’s not a guarantee. I don’t know where to go from here if unsuccessful.. we don’t really have money for a counselling/therapy, but I’m willing to try and save if that’s the best option. I love her immensely, so please, any advice would be appreciated.

TLDR; gf is depressed, doesn’t like job, doesn’t have friends, trying to rejoin army, and I’m unsure what I can do to help.

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