So me and my gf were volunteers for a kids festival this summer on june 1st. I really liked the fact that most of the staff were kids our age and the supervisors were mostly young adults (19,20y/o).She knew a few of the ppl that were in the staff and the supervisors and she doesn’t like 2 or 3 or them. After the event, i said that i wanna join this association because, although at the end my leg got drenched in garbage juice, i felt surprisingly good about myself so i wanted to continue. My gf said that she doesn’t really want to join too and i was okay with that. A few weeks later, a link is distributed saying that the registrations are open to the public. I happily made my registration and sent it. An hour later, my gf applied too. I was super excited about it. Fast forward 2 weeks, they announced that they will interview the candidates chosen after submitting the questionnaires. I’m still away from home and can’t make it till next week and most of them have already been scheduled and interviewed. I’m really panicked because I’m thinking of contacting the head of the association to make an online meeting so that I do not miss any chance to enter because I really want to enter. My gf said that she doesn’t like online meetings cause she has bad memories and just doesn’t want to. We agreed when they opened the registrations that we will go one after another and we will give them together but atp I really want to give it online because she comes from vacation faster than me but she specifically said that we will take them together or we don’t. It feels very selfish on her behalf cause she doesn’t even want to be in this association that much, she just wants us to be together and i love that but idk i need some outside perspective.
Tl;DR:Gf doesn’t really want to join the association i wanna join and she doesn’t want to take the interview alone after i suggested a few weeks ago we will take it together but we might not have any other choice because they might get fed up and close the interview process and she doesn’t wanna take it online. i won’t be home till next week and she’ll be back this Monday and she said she either goes with me to take it or she won’t go at all

  1. Get yours done. It’s something you really want to do please do not miss this opportunity because of someone else. Do your interview!!!

  2. She is your gf. not your boss! Chase your dreams, you only have 1 life! Plus you need to learn to stand up for yourself!

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