Curious as to what small or large acts of love people receive from their partner to make them feel special.

  1. he’s very thoughtful and will bring something home for me if he knows I like it.

    he knows I don’t like driving much anymore so he goes to get stuff for me or he’ll drive me somewhere I need to go.

    if we had takeout left overs and he knows I like it, he won’t eat it and will also tell the kids not to eat it either.

  2. I’m home with our toddlers all day and when she comes home she takes care of them so I can shower and make dinner. It’s a silly thing cause like why wouldn’t she take care of our children too but it means a lot that she does. I need the break and she needs to be able to spend time with our twins, and I appreciate that so much

    Also just how she is with me, always always treats me well, even if I’m being obnoxious she let’s it slide, she takes good care of me and doesn’t make me feel bad for my flaws

  3. He is always willing to make time for me and my family. No matter what he has going on, if I feel down and just want to cuddle for a half hour, he’ll drop whatever he’s doing and stay with me until I feel better.

    He also cleared his schedule to help my sister move without her asking. He knew this was important to me and that she would need help and he didn’t think twice about it.

  4. I’m very forgetful. Most people in my life find it anywhere from assuming (“hahah she forgot again”) or straight up annoying. I let him know early on that one of my faults is being perpetually forgetful. I forget to bring water to work, or forget my keys or wallet places, I’ll leave left overs at a restaurant after requesting the rest to go.

    He remembers for me and he doesn’t complain. I’d say a third of it is just making sure I’m hydrated. He brings water for me after work if we’re meet up. I guess it’s more that he accepts my fault and deals with it instead of getting frustrated or angry or making fun of me. More than that, he picks up the slack for me a little bit.

  5. Makes a point to send a text/stay in touch even when he is having busiest of the days, just so woman knows he has her on his mind. No need of 24 hrs texting but even a text or a check during the day suffices

  6. It’s a combination of so many little things that I’d feel it more if those stopped versus the big gestures.

    Here’s my personal favorite. When I’m having a particularly bad day, he runs me a hot bubble bath, lights a few candles, makes me a glass of wine, and occupies our kid so I can decompress. Or if he stops at a gas station he always grabs me a kit Kat and cherry coke just because he knows they’re my favorite.

  7. Small act: she puts her phone down and gives me her undivided attention whenever I start talking.

    Large act: making sure I have enough snacks when I travel and cooking me food everyday.

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