My sil bought really expensive tickets to a see a band tomorrow and my brother was supposed to go with her but he has work. She texted me asking me last week if I can go with her because she has no one else too and I said yea because I felt bad. However it’s literally tomorrow and she hasn’t spoken to me about how we’re getting there or what we’ll be doing and she’s in my brothers room rn. I did ask her a day or two ago what to wear and she was not interested at all in our conversation. My sil is 6 years older than me so she’s 31. I’m getting the feeling that she doesn’t really care for me to be there but because tickets were thousands she has no choice but to take me. She told me I wouldn’t have to pay for the ticket but I already decided when I start working to give her back half which is like $900.

Here’s the thing I feel like she judges me for everything and she has her opinion about me. I don’t really dance or party and I like my quiet space at home. So I’m freaking out because the band we’re going to see I like them also and I don’t want to be embarrassed if I move around or sing. I haven’t been comfortable at all around her and my mom even got me annoyed today because she knows I don’t dance and she said I’ll be the only dummy there standing like a tree branch. Which I think was unnecessary to say because I have anxiety. I need advice do people worry about these things.

  1. What type of music or band is it? Honestly there are probably a lot of people that go to concerts and not dance. No matter the type of music. In every concert there are different types of audience members. For that kind of money I would want to watch the band and not dance.

  2. You’re putting all the pressure on yourself and letting your SIL be the arbiter of what’s appropriate in this situation. She’s been blowing you off, which is kind of rude, and you’re only worried about what she thinks of you instead of holding her accountable for her actions, at least in your own mind.

    You’re worried about how she’s going to judge you at the concert but seem ready to accept however she behaves there, as if she gets to decide how everyone should behave. You’re her husband’s sibling, so she should technically be just as worried about you judging her and whether or not *you* like *her* as the other way around.

    Act how you want at the concert. You’re an adult and no one is going to be paying attention to you.

  3. Why is HER opinion the important one? You can judge her judginess. That being said, if you don’t like her all that much, why go to this concert? Or pay her that huge amount of money?

    This is really on your brother, not you.

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