Ok so I’m new to reading (regularly). I really got into reading self help books I have read some social books but they don’t seem to help on the level that I am at (0) so I was hopping that someone would give me a book to help me with that. So I’m a little akward, I panic a lot (not social anxiety it’s the way I am). So I’m at an age where I should have social cirlce (which I partially have), start dating etc. So can you recommend me a book that has helped you with your communication skills. I have also read some PUA books like The Game etc, and I hear people saying “OOW well that’s a bad book, it has a rejection “, yea but in my opinion is a method and you have something to follow where in life you don’t (in my experience), and don’t recommend “MODELS BY MARK MANSON IT’S 100X WORSE THAN THE GAME IMO”. So If you have read any book that can help me please write it down and I will give it a read. Thanks in advance <3

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