After that time it’s just too weird if they ask you out…

  1. Too enough that they feel you aren’t interested romantically and start going out with others

  2. Depends if I liked them and wanted to be asked out, I knew my partner for 5 months before be asked and it was obviously.

    I’ve had someone ask me after 5 years and it was obviously a no because it was just a friendship at that point.

  3. (51F) In my experience, it depends on the individual(s) and the circumstances. Sometimes there’s a level of trust or comfort that’s needed prior. They may feel safer once established…
    Have a great weekend❣️

  4. If I know this person and the chemistry is there I actually like if they make their move. I’ve played by the book of waiting a set number of dates and stuff, but it’s really attractive to me when a man just goes for it. It tells me he’s confident about us and that’s very reassuring.

  5. Never too long to ask me out. But if we know each other long enough for me to see how they are as a partner and I don’t think it’s what I want, then that person is on the auto reject list.

  6. It’s not weird. Sometimes you don’t develop feelings for someone until after a while.

  7. I’ve never experienced that. I’ve known people for literal years before we’ve started dating. I’ve often experienced the opposite, though.

  8. Me going out with someone doesn’t change based off of how long we’ve known each other. Other factors might make me not want to date a long time friend though, such as not attraction, etc.

    though, I’m lesbian, so I’m not sure, maybe with men there’s something different. It might seem inauthentic if the man was into you for a long time and only now asked you out. It might make me feel like he was only friends with me for a chance of sex. But I’m not a mind reader, I would take my best feel… does he seem that shallow, or does it seem like a good friend where something changed to make him want to ask me.

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