What do you consider the biggest falsehood that people believe for your chosen political party?

  1. Trying to jam libertarians into one of the other two main parities because they somehow cannot wrap their head around an actual third party.

  2. Being “branded” as a Democrat or Republican doesn’t mean that I agree with or hold some or all of the beliefs of that party.

  3. I’m a republican so I automatically believe that anyone whose not a straight white male deserves less rights.

    When I point out that I am gay, I’m called a traitor and asked why would I help the people who see me as less than human.

  4. That we can’t get anything done purely because of GOP obstruction. We’ve been sitting on our asses for too long and have got too comfortable with the “well we’re better than trump mentality”

  5. Just because I’m a Democrat doesn’t mean I’m into cancel culture or any of that tangential bullshit. I’m a Democrat because I want more equality between everyone; more equality between races, more equality between genders, more equal wealth distribution, and things of that nature.

    A lot of the twitter drama that gets people “cancelled” is frankly ridiculous. All the nonsense purity BS that goes on on twitter/facebook really grinds my gears. If we want people to be more inclined to believe what we say and like us, we shouldn’t have a stick up our ass for every little thing.

  6. I don’t consider myself a member of a political party. But since my views are more left leaning, I’m a democrat for some reason.

  7. That pointing out your country’s flaws and mistakes somehow equates to hating your country.

  8. I don’t identify with any parties, but I’m an anarchist. People often associate anarchy with chaos and disorder in the streets and that’s just not what it is, even though it can certainly play a part. It’s mostly setting up mutual aid projects.

  9. That we supposedly don’t believe in equality or equal rights. I vote Republican *because* I support equality.

  10. That we’re really interested in helping the average American, instead of just trying to enrich ourselves and politically connected donors.

  11. That they’re actually for the middle class, or the little guy, or anybody that’s not rich.

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