Say I’m visiting the USA and want to hire a driver/bodyguard what budget do I need?

  1. Use $100 an hour as a good estimate, likely even more. Its cost prohibitive. Its not like third world countries Ive been to where labor is so cheap everybody has maids and drivers etc. And the minimum wage continues to rise in many states.

  2. I’ve never even seen such a thing advertised. Why would you need one? Sorry, I’m just curious.

  3. I wanna know what you’re planning on doing here if you’re gonna need a bodyguard to do it and don’t exist in the social strata where you’d already know the answer to this question.

    DOJ would probably like to know too, honestly.

  4. you want to hire a bodyguard? what are you planning on doing in the US, exactly?

  5. Having a driver isn’t a luxury nowadays. Just use the rideshare apps. Here that’s Lyft and Uber.

    If you have to ask if you need a bodyguard, you likely don’t need one.

  6. This is probably one of those “if you have to ask, you can’t afford it” sort of things. Hiring a bodyguard is basically unheard of in the United States unless you’re a high-profile celebrity.

    Ditto for a driver. If you can’t drive yourself, you’ll be reliant on public transport or rideshare/taxi services.

    I want to give OP the benefit of the doubt that they’re from a country where this type of thing is commonplace, but any American would find this question laughably ridiculous.

  7. How much are you willing to pay? I do side work

    I’ve been known to stop kids from being little shits with just a mean look

  8. Almost any place in the US is not the kind of place where you have to worry about your phone being snatched out of your hands in broad daylight, especially if you’re among other people and have situational awareness. Unless you know certain people are hunting you or something, I don’t see why you need a bodyguard and I doubt you could afford one if you have to ask. Also, to your comment about not being able to carry anything for self defense: that’s just not true. If you’re that worried, carry a knife, stun gun, pepper spray, or half a brick in a sock.

  9. I don’t know anyone who has ever hired or even considered hiring a bodyguard or full-time driver. And the fact that the combination is apparently a legitimate job description had not previously occurred to me.

  10. I’ll stand behind you wearing dark glasses and a scowl all day for $200/hr.

  11. If you really think you need a bodyguard, stay home. You aren’t ready to visit.

    Uber can take you most places. If not, a driver will be a few hundred a day in major markets.

  12. I guess if the only representations of the US come from movies and the news, one could conclude that the US is a violent hellscape.

    I’ve lived here for many decades. I’ve never needed a body guard because I’ve never encountered any violence. This is true of everyone I know too.

    The news does nothing but pump fear and outrage because these emotions get views. What you see on the news is a wild, absurd distortion of reality.

  13. Your question reminds me of when [a Chinese student was sent back to China because he brought a bulletproof vest to an airport.](

    Media (especially Reddit and Twitter) tends to love exaggerating what happens in the US. While yes, bad things happen here, they happen in every country. So do some research on where you’re going in the US and don’t believe everything you see on the internet.

    All in all, you should be pretty much safe when traveling here, even in the Bible Belt, but do expect there to be a lot of friendly people who’ll want to engage in small talk like “How’s your day” or smile at you for no reason. I’ve seen a lot of people saying that here on this sub and on r/AskReddit.

  14. I know one person who uses a bodyguard when she travels. Her family net worth is well into the 9 figures, and she’s an attractive young woman, so there’s a small potential risk. Unless all of these apply to you, I wouldn’t sweat it.

  15. If you’re planning on committing criminal actions and thus you think you need someone with a gun, be aware. No reputable guard service will accept your contract. They can be charged for complicity in any crime you commit.

  16. Bodyguards aren’t really a thing here, unless you’re a head of state or a leader of a prominent criminal organization. I’d guess that around $300/day plus living expenses (hotels, meals, etc) would be the absolute minimum cost for a competent bodyguard here.

  17. Mate, firstly I don’t know why you would need a bodyguard, it is not Afghanistan XD. But, off of first page google, cost is 1000-1500 USD per day. So around 60 to 100 USD per hour. There is your answer to your ridiculous yet amusing question.

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