So I’ll preface, by saying that my wife has ultra conservative Christian parents. That said, she’s been secretly going to PP since high school for gyno appointments and birth control since her parents never took her to a gyno. At PP, when she gave them contact info, she put her parents home number on a “do not ever call me at this number” list, cause ya know, ultra conservative Christian parents.

Well now my wife is in her 30s. Yesterday she was confronted by her ultra conservative christian dad, who apparently had been getting calls from PP for the last year, asking if she (my wife) was ‘satisfied with their services’. So her parents this whole time were completely convinced that she had an abortion (cause they think that’s all PP does) at some point, and gave her a whole speech about all that and PP being evil, etc… again, ultra conservative christian parents….

So either somebody is playing a really long prank on my wife, but kinda far fetched since who in their 30s would be that committed to a prank like that… or PP is actually calling a number on the ‘do not call’ list and disclosing to her parents that shes using PP services, which I would imagine is a HUGE HIPAA violation….

All that said, is PP actually doing this?! Maybe as part of a fund raising campaign? We have donated a lot of money to PP in recent years since times have been tough for them due to politics, and they have been hugely helpful for my wife because of her lack of access to gyno services otherwise. Now we’re really angry and completely shocked that they’d do this….

  1. I think this is more a r/legaladvice situation. Your problem is a HIPAA violation. The fact that it’s related to sex is kind of tangential.

  2. I’ve used them for testing and never gotten phonecalls unrelated to that. Maybe call them and ask?

  3. I wonder if someone intentionally is doing this there to fuck with peoples lives.

    Have you spoken to anyone at PP?

  4. This happened to my friend as well, pretty sure they sell your medical info.

  5. >So either somebody is playing a really long prank on my wife, but kinda far fetched since who in their 30s would be that committed to a prank like that… or PP is actually calling a number on the ‘do not call’ list and disclosing to her parents that shes using PP services

    Or, someone is deliberately trying to stir up trouble for PP. Now who would want to do a thing like that?

    >which I would imagine is a HUGE HIPPA violation….

    Misspelling HIPAA is a huge HIPAA violation.

  6. Maybe it’s time you wife got honest with her conservatives parents, and you know… adulted? Who cares if they think she had an abortion, that’s on them for their ignorance on PP services.

  7. Why would you even put down a number and then put don’t call next to it? They wouldn’t have asked for a number to NOT call but to actually call. Also why can’t your wife just say she’s going to the gyno, you guys are married hence okay to have sex.

    If she put a contact info for them to call it isn’t a HIPAA violation.

  8. Why would you ever give them the number for any reason. They don’t need a do not call list if they don’t have the parents number.

    Whole situation sounds odd.

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