Throwaway for obvious reasons

I honestly don’t know how to even begin explaining this. He had seemed like a regular guy with normal interests throughout our relationship, but last night he came up to me real nervous so I asked him what’s wrong. He told me that he wants to try something new tonight and well, I had considered myself quite sexually open minded so I said cool, what is it. He then proceeded to explain this move called the “powerbomb” in which I would be picked up such that I would be on his shoulders and then he would SLAM me back-first onto the mat and then we would have sex.

Like any rational person, I thought he was kidding around but oh no, he seems to be quite bent on this. I asked my sister for advice and she said that I should just let him do it once and get it out of his system, but I have done my research and actual professional wrestlers have been forced into retirement from this one move. He keeps assuring me that he won’t actually slam me and that it’s a bed not a wrestling ring but I’m not buying any of it. I understand that men get off on power and I’m quite petite so I doubt that he would have any difficulties pulling this off but I don’t want to live the rest of my life traumatized due to something which may or may not occur as a direct result of this. Pls advice Reddit.

  1. Speaking as someone who does both BDSM and martial arts, your husband is acting like a nitwit.

    The phrasing “People who have actual training sometimes do serious injury with that technique. You don’t have any training and I like my neck how it is. No.” might help.

  2. OK, this is unusual, but not as weird as some fetishes out there, right?

    The thing is, with any sexual activity, if you do not want to do it, you say no, and your partner should immediately respect that decision and not continually badger you about it. So, let him know you do not want to do it. If he insists, there’s your red flag.

  3. Damn he wants to be the undertaker performing the last ride power bomb and then the next one is Tombstone piledriver so be prepared for that if you agree to go through with this one

  4. Don’t do anything (sexually at least) that you’re not comfortable with

  5. That sounds…kinda fun actually xD
    But still you should say no because it can be super dangerous if you don’t know what your doing.

    Maybe start with some light wrestling if your both comfortable.
    And have a safe word !!!!

  6. The issue isn’t the power bomb, it’s that he’ll now feel comfortable doing wrestling moves on you all the time. You’ll be on your computer at work and boom, steel chair to the head. Waiting in line at a coffee shop, RKO out of nowhere. Stepping out of the shower, superkick to the chin. Your house will become a warzone, a Raw is War-zone.

  7. No this is totally normal. One woman I was attracted to at the bar took a close line and a knee lift before we got a taxi to my place. Since it was on the third floor I had to limit my moves to the Rock Bottom and the Worm (it was the early 2000s.

    My wife set her limit at chair shots, unless of course i gimmick the chair. I mean… how better to show your devotion and sexual attraction than to literally kick the shit out of her?

  8. “No.” Lol in all seriousness just say no that doesn’t sound safe. Also, don’t let him trick you into picking you up before sex he will try it.

  9. It’s so fucking rude and disgusting from him.

    Not a single time he tried to RKO you?

  10. So he, a complete amateur, wants to do something that highly trained and highly skilled athletes do, and which even for them carries quite a potential risk of injury?Will he, by any chance, be doing this in a wrestling ring with the padded and sprung/shock-absorbent floor? Or onto your very hard and unyielding bedroom floor?

    Has he attempted this with a full size dummy before, so that he knows exactly how to do this so that you do not end up dead or break your back, neck, ribs, scapula, collar bones, hips, legs, skull or arms (all of which are more likely than him actually getting it right)? And after he has powerbombed you into the floor and killed you, is he then planning on indulging in his ACTUAL fetish (necrophilia) by having sex with your corpse before it goes cold?

    The stupidity of him thinking this might be a good idea would only be exceeded by the stupidity of someone who actually agrees to participate in his asinine fantasy.

  11. Tell him to grow the fuck up. While pro wrestling may be scripted and choreographed some of those moves can paralyze you or kill you if done incorrectly. An old childhood friend of mine let another friend do a tombstone to him when we were 14 and how he’ll finish out the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

  12. The problem is that wrestling is all staged and those moves aren’t real and when you try them in real life you can get really really hurt. You have to be careful with trying to do wrestling moves whether it’s for sex or fun

  13. Under no circumstances would I agree to this, unless he is committed to keeping it kayfabe

  14. Your sister is giving you some really bad advice.

    If you don’t want to, don’t.

  15. Remember:

    “WWE Superstars and Divas put their bodies, their careers and their lives on the line. They have spent years training and have a lifetime of experience. But what entertains you tears their bodies apart. So cheer for them, admire them, believe in them, but leave the action to them. Please DO NOT try this at home.”

  16. I work in the medical arena – that is a no.

    Do not let him do this. You could get a concussion, a fractured neck among other things. If he wants to tussle – take BJJ (Brazilian jujitsu) together in a controlled environment. With a teacher and floor mats.

  17. 🤣🤣🤣 im sorry this is hilarious. I would say do a practice run of move see how he would do it.etc. then say ill do the randy Ortons move on you. Lol

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