i’ll try and keep this short.

context: i started dating my boyfriend about a month ago so the relationship is extremely new. he broke up with his ex about 2 months before me and i got out of a relationship a few months before he did. i’m starting to realize he probably is (or was) not over his most recent girlfriend, who i’ll call anna.

he tweeted on his secret twitter account on june 19th WHILE we were on a road trip to another city, “i feel weird for still loving anna”

obviously i’m upset, but am i even right to be upset? his and anna’s relationship lasted a total of 3 months max, so it’s not like it was some long-term thing. however, my previous relationship was nearly 2 years and i stopped loving my ex very shortly after we broke up.

i don’t even know if this is even worth bringing up. i enjoy our relationship and feel like it’s progressing well, but now i’m comparing myself to his ex and feel icky. do i even bring this up? he doesn’t know i know this account even though it was quite literally the tab next to the youtube video we were watching.

please help 🙁

  1. Let it go. If you are happy with what’s things are and where it’s going lingering old feelings don’t matter. It takes time to process.

  2. Ignore the tweet. Pay attention to how he treats YOU. If he treats you with love and kindness, he’ll develop feelings for you in time.

  3. The length of relationship doesn’t matter. Most probably, he’s the type who fell hard. That’s why it’s not really good to enter in a new relationship before the three-month rule ends. Most likely, you are a rebound. However, hopefully, your bf is doing everything to forget his ex and love you.

  4. I would feel uncomfortable with my partner being in love with another person. That doesn’t feel fair to you. Doesn’t sound like he’s committed or your top priority given that he’s tweeting this WHILE ON A TRIP WITH YOU.

    His body was on vacation with you, his mind and heart weren’t

  5. Y’all both never got toe to heal from your relationships and now you’re dealing with thatb

  6. Just tell him you saw it. He can still care deeply for you and still be working on letting go of his ex.

  7. doesn’t sound like a good idea to be in a relationship with someone whose heart isn’t fully committed to you. too young for this immature bs he got going on. it’s his responsibility to enter serious relationships and be fully over whoever is in the past. this isn’t a serious relationship you’re in. at all.

  8. You’ll continue to second guess yourself and his feelings for you unless you talk to him. He may be able to legitimately tell you that he’s over her now. Or not. Unfortunately there’s no putting the cat back in the bag. You cant unsee it.

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