Sorry for any mistakes. My first language isn’t English!
I’m (21F) possibly moving with my boyfriend (24M) to Norway for a few months of even years. My father suddenly died in 2015 and my mom (53) has been lonely ever since and I notice. I feel bad if I leave the house to stay the night at my boyfriends place, because she will be all alone for the evening and morning. She will always say things like: “You won’t leave me like your sister did right” and “I never want you to leave without me”. My sister is 24 and studies and lives a two hour drive from our home.
I am scared to tell her, because I will be living 15 hours away from her if you go by car. She doesn’t like going in the outdoors and only has around 5 close friends she sometimes goes out with to do some crafting.
Can anyone help me with this problem? Thanks for listening!

TLDR; My lonely and clingy mom will possibly have a heart attack if she hears I’m moving to Norway and I don’t know how to tell her.

  1. > “You won’t leave me like your sister did right”

    To be clear, this is emotional abuse.

    >Can anyone help me with this problem?

    When you tell her, be firm. Do not notify her as if this is something you MIGHT do. Be clear and firm that it is happening and that it isn’t a discussion.

  2. hmm.. tbh moms are like that. why are you leaving your mom for some guy?

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