I thought I was this freaky, kinky girl who would be turned on my anything absurd cause that had always been the guys I’ve been with and it was always successful with men. It’s so fucking creepy in reality. My boyfriend and I met last fall and since then I’ve come to realize how much more I enjoy regular, intimate sex rather than the kinky, porn sex, as he is not into that. I mean, getting hurt doesn’t feel good! Why should I think it does? So damn sad how we convince ourselves that’s what we like to appeal to men (doesn’t apply to everyone ofc).

  1. I think this is a good example of the importance of partners being able to openly communicate what they do and do not want in the bedroom. I hope you weren’t made to feel _pressured_ into doing that stuff, and it sounds like this might be your first experience where there’s a deep sense of intimacy which makes everything so much more special

  2. I get what you’re saying. I had a bf like yours and I fucked it up. So it was back to even worse sex. 🙁 Don’t base it off him and just do it for you. Thanks for posting this!

  3. >So damn sad how we convince ourselves that’s what we like to appeal to men

    I feel like this isn’t necessarily the case for all women. I would even go so far as to say there are a lot of men that engage in “porn sex,” because other women foster that in real life. So they go along with it and more or less tolerate or try to enjoy. And it could very well be the case that those women are fostering and encouraging because they’re making an assumption based on previous partners that may or may not have just been just going along with or more or less tolerating.

    There are definitely people who enjoy rough porn sex, but both men and women need to be courageous enough not just to SAY what they want, but actually stop and think for one moment in their lives to try to KNOW what they want. You can’t communicate anything real if you have no idea how to figure out what you really want.

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