
I’ll preface this by saying that i was diagnosed with asperger’s syndrome at a ripe age of 9 and have trouble interpreting social cues. Anyhow, i attended the wedding of a friend and I talkd to a girl that i rather liked. She laughed at some of the jokes that I told so i guess thst counts for sonething. I’m still an anxious wreck at this age and didn’t push the conversation further since i pretty much would’ve needed a 1000 page guidebook on women since i’m notoriously bad at these kinds of things. Would it be an extremely bad social faux pas to ask my friend to tell her that i’m interested in seeing her again?


1 comment
  1. Just my opinion, but you should be the one to ask that. Absolutely talk with your friends, mention that you thought she was cool. Maybe there can be a group get together that she’s included in where you can talk more and see if she’d be interested in coffee or an activity some time. (I don’t know where you are or what you like, but this could be a hike, mini golf, visiting a winery, rock climbing, lunch in a park, an arcade, whatever. Just have an idea to suggest that you’ll be comfortable doing). If group occasions are completely out then maybe one of them can set up a natural feeling meet up like having you both over so you bump into her.

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