I (28F) started dating this guy ( 25M) , had a really good time both times , he was very polite towards me and a good conversationalist. Though the second time he told me few things that turned me off and now I’m not sure if I wanna move things forward. Like both times he made me compliments but especially tonight told me that he likes me because I remind him of his first love. Then later tonight we were talking about past relationships and told me that after this first relationship he had a rebound relationship with a woman like 10 years older than him for who he didn’t have feelings, just didn’t want to be alone. But she was getting drunk and at times was violent towards him and he assumed it was because she wanted to get married. Then I said that why he didn’t break up with her first time this happened and also why she didn’t find a man her age to get married. And he told me because she was like me, she liked younger men. At this point I felt a bit offended and seemed kind of rude because first he was the one pursuing me and second I’m not 10 years older than him but only 3. I kinda feel turned off now, he said this was just joking . Other than that I had a nice time both times . Should I see him again ? I wait your replies thank you

TL;DR: Went on 2 dates with this guy, first date was awesome, but on 2nd date he told me that he likes me because I remind him of his first love and also made an offensive assumption that I’m into younger men only ( I’m only 3 years older than him by the way) and compared me with another ex of his who was 10 years older and was abusive to him on the fact that he assumed also that she was attracted mostly in younger men as well. I’m now feeling hesitant and a bit turned off seeing him again , don’t know if I’m reasonable though. He seems also a love bomber , he likes complimenting me a lot and saying crazy staff like he is falling in love and that he is crazy about me , probably for sexual motivations- not so sure. Other than that he is very polite, well mannered and I quite like him. Should I go out with him again or just find an excuse and cancel him for the reasons I mentioned?

  1. If something feels off to you, it probably is. The lack of filter would sour me on him.

  2. I see why you’d feel weird, the dude is bringing up multiple exes and comparing you to them on the second date. That’s a dating faux pas.

    Think of it this way: every interaction you have with him is you giving him a chance. The most recent chance went kinda sideways. I’d say you’re more than justified in breaking things off early.

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