There’s a girl in the office (different floor) who seem like she’s interested in me. She’s really cute and I try to proceed with caution.

Thing is I’m a horrible texter, I’m overthinking it as fuck. All the time I think what to type and thinks “fuck it was stupid to say this” so I try to keep texting to a bare minimum and only as a means to set up a date.

Today she texted me for the first time, of course I have to reply back so I did… so far so good but I know it’ll be a matter of time before I text something stupid. So I was thinking to ask her out although I was waiting for a perfect moment.

Should I ask her out at this point?

  1. >So I was thinking to ask her out although **I was waiting for a perfect moment.**

    Don’t wat because they don’t exist. It’s not the moment that matters anyways but if she’s interested.

  2. Proceeding with caution is the worst approach in dating i ever heard

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