Did you ever turn someone down, and then have that person later do something that made you go “damn, why’d I do that?”

  1. I turned my husband down multiple times before I said yes. It was his reaction to rejection. When he figured out no meant no I could tell he genuinely wanted to be my friend even if it meant I wouldn’t date him ever. First time I felt someone really liked me and not just what they thought they could get from me.

  2. For me it was a grand gesture. Some straight up Hallmark movie-worthy stuff. I went no contact with someone I was in a relationship with as I broke up with them. Really, the only difference between what I did and ghosting the poor dude was that, after reaching out to others, I tried to explain why I couldn’t do it anymore under the highly misguided guise of giving him closure. This did WAY more harm than good and I still regret it, but such is life.

    Anyway, 2 weeks later he contacts me explaining that he is getting on a plane and hopes I will give him an opportunity to at least apologize to me. For context, he lives 3300 miles away.

    My gut was to tell him no, but if he was going to make all that effort, I’d have felt guilty turning him away. I agree to give him a chance to talk and sure enough, 16 hours after telling me he was on his way to my town, he was 3300 miles closer and at my door with a half dozen roses and a lengthy apology.

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