I’m a woman currently on a few dating apps. I get matches and messages on Hinge and Tinder BUT on Bumble I get a lot of matches but RARELY does someone respond to me. Is this a common thing? Or should I reevaluate my approach when messaging people?

  1. Don’t knowmuch about bumble.. But block those people who send wrong content

  2. Well, with Bumble you need to message first so are you messaging them first and then they aren’t replying or are you just waiting for them to reply?

    I imagine Bumble is an app a lot of men check less regularly than Tinder etc as a match for them on any app does not guarantee communication and, let’s be honest, when the first move is left in a woman’s hands we often do not message them.

    Obviously, this isn’t always the case. I will go up to men in person and ask for their number or make the first move on apps if I feel like it but often time I let Bumble just time out and I can imagine if I were a man on Bumble I’d rarely check it if I was rarely getting a message from people.

    In regards to your approach when messaging people, I know some men have an issue with a woman sending a message like ‘hey how are you’ when they feel they always have to come up with creative openers to attract a womans’ attention on apps. So, I personally try to make my openers creative or personal to show I’ve read their profile. Nothing will guarantee a reply but I think it does help.

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