I just got the news that I didn’t pass the school year and it’s totally destroyed all my plans and I don’t know what to do anymore so please any help would be appreciated

  1. You have to learn and grow from your failures and use that as the fuel to power you to success. So yes man it fucking sucks right now for you, but it is not the end of the world. Relax, reflect, do better next time.

  2. Regret it. That’s allni can say you will not be happy if you fail again if you ever want to give think “oh god do I want to do this again?” If not I find that helps me. I think I fail a few classes in middle school. But summer school helped me.

  3. Simple. You have a plan A , a plan B, a plan C, a plan D.. I usually get to L at least.

  4. Life is a series of setbacks and failed plans. You deal by dealing. This will sound counterintuitive, but make plans that are fail-able. Meaning, don’t make a plan that the rest of your life hinges on. That if it fails you are lost. Make a plan that can be navigated around. Plans fall through for all kinds of reasons. Some are your fault, some are not. Thus, you cannot afford to have your life ruined by failed plans you had no control over.

    Set small plausible goals that help you move in the direction you think you want to go in.

    Your life and plans will change a million times, and you’ll most likely end up far from where you thought you’d be anyway. You can’t let a setback be a derailment. If you do you’ll never get anywhere.

  5. Whats done is done and nothing u can do to change it except: 1) learn 2) change 3) grow. It sucks like shit but this wont be ur last failure in life, trust me.

    Imagine hitting your 30s and realizing u wasted ur 20s on meaningless dumb shit like a dead end job on a shitty wage, chasing box and partying with friends when you couldve been more productive and financially prudent with ur life. Didnt happened to me but im just painting a picture.

    “What dont kill u, makes u stronger… unless u give up and allow it to kill u” – some random wise person

  6. Either you try again or you come up with a workaround (“Plan B”) – until you hit rock bottom.

  7. >I don’t know what to do anymore

    Don’t have to do anything. Enjoy your summer, get your shit together and put the effort in next year. Hope that this opens your eyes to the fact that you need to apply yourself or you won’t achieve the bare minimum.

  8. Knowing that strength is a score. Your score goes up every time you’re tested and you’ve been offered an opportunity to increase that score whenever you reach a setback. No one is that enthusiastic about a setback but it helps to convince yourself to be.

  9. Learn to love it. Two steps forward, one step back. Don’t ever stop taking two steps forward. What I mean is, setbacks are a part of life, it’s going to happen. Never give up.

  10. Well, I got cancer during my senior year, and I wasn’t about to give up and do the whole year again after recovery (the professionals at Stanford were able to fully cure me), so I dropped all courses I didn’t need in order to graduate. In circumstances like these, there’s nothing wrong with doing the bare minimum. Don’t hesitate to do that if you must.

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