I have tried Bass and Newcastle but they are owned by foreign companies now and the versions available in the U.S aren’t even brewed in Britain. Any suggestions for some good British brewed beers that are likely to be available in the U.S.? Thanks.

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  2. A lot of draught beers don’t Travel well, so finding British Beer actually brewed in the UK on tap that tastes the way it should won’t be easy. This is why Newcastle Brown etc are brewed under licence in the USA or Canada.

    You might be able to find bottled Bitter/Ale in good liquor stores, probably won’t be cheap though

    Much like US beers in the UK you’ll get the bigger brands, like Fullers or Youngs. I’ve read that you can get Sam Smiths (do not confuse this with John Smith’s which is shite) over there, but can’t say I’ve seen it, but for the best stuff I’m afraid you’ll need to come visit.

  3. A classic, popular one (in the UK) is Black Sheep, although I don’t know how widely it’s sold abroad.

  4. If you have a BevMo near you they carry a small selection of UK bottles beers including Fuller’s , as an Brit living in the US for 16 years they have saved me a few times.

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