Also a woman, but I have never had a bleeding injury before. Do you feel weaker or dizzy from the blood loss? Or it’s not any worse than a normal injury because periods only means a little bit more blood?

  1. It depends. I have heavy periods so I do get dizzy or nauseous due to the pain and all.

    But as for injuries, the only time I ever got dizzy or nauseous was when I got a bad cut on my thumb.

    I’ve have had worse injuries on my knees from falling as a kid but have never felt dizzy or nauseous then.

  2. Not a medical opinion, but I’m pretty sure your period blood isn’t connected to any veins by the time it’s coming out of you. Like, it’s already out of your circulatory system

  3. Feels the same.

    Blood loss during your period is not blood lost from the circulatory system. It’s old blood that collected on the uterine lining. It has nothing to do with the blood being used to carry oxygen around your body during the period.

  4. I broke my ankle and had to had surgery a couple days before my period started. I wasn’t exactly bleeding from the surgery at the time but for some reason, that I do not understand to this day, my period was a really heavy flow for 7 days straight when I normally had a regular flow for only 3 days. It only happened that one time.

  5. I’ve found that any cuts or scratches bleed allot more heavily while I’m on my period. Something about the body being a lot more circulated or something. Feels not so great tbh bc it’s messy from both ends but it doesn’t make me any dizzier than the unbearable pain I suffer from each month so it’s not an issue.

  6. I would say I don’t feel different like dizzy or anything but emotionally I feel betrayal from my body like it has the audacity to bleed elsewhere lol

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