I am so sick of my husband. We needed to go to the grocery store but he says to avoid it around the 1st week of the month because “there are too many African Americans using their welfare cards”. I really think I need a divorce.

  1. Well he’s definitely judgemental and sounds a little racist. If he doesn’t see this as an issue or is willing to improve – a divorce doesn’t seem like a bad idea

  2. I would cut your losses and divorce ASAP. Your life is going to be joyless being married to a racist asshole.

  3. He just sounds like a racist asshole, not “judgmental”. There’s a huge problem with the white community thinking it’s OK to talk like that, and it shows their ignorance about demographics and socio-economic status in this country. If you don’t share the same views, and he’s not willing to change, you should probably leave him. He may get you into a dangerous situation because of this behavior, or worse, end up in the news for something he does.

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