**So, a couple months ago I started using dating apps around NYC due to a recommendation led in by my family, friends and colleagues.. and OH boy was it time consuming and nerve wrecking!**

To get straight to the point, I held conversations with multiple individuals ranging from different backgrounds and age groups, however, in my hard attempts of trying to find someone who I could genuinely establish a human relationship with I have failed numerous times. When I facetimed or went on a first date with an individual usually I would hear them say how fascinated they are about my ability to hold numerous conversations ranging from an abundance choice of topics, and ask me more and more questions, but weird thing is I later I wouldn’t hear from them again. I asked my best friend who has a solid/healthy relationship with a guy for 2 years now, about what I was doing wrong? She told me that sometimes I tend to go into depth with certain topics that overwhelm them or intimidate them. (I’m not sure how true that is but oh well).

Some background info and criteria about me:

\-Currently 19 years old

\-ex model who walked small boutique runway shows and does photoshoots on my free time

\- Speak 3 languages and attempting to learn a 4rth

\- Pursuing a field in Political economy and M&A law

\- Love working out and sticking to a healthy lifestyle. Fave workouts include: boxing, HIIT, Running, Aerobic workouts

\- Took a gap here out of college to work a full time job and get a sense of what I want to do in life. Currently working part time simultaneously with college , and taking an RE license.

\- Didn’t have any kind of relationship with a guy after the age of 16.

\- Most of my female friends who i get along with are in their 30s and 40s, as well as my guy friends.

\- I don’t use Instagram or social media because I find it time consuming for myself (my personal opinion)

\-Anyway this are some criteria describing me, and when I go on a date with a guy this are some questions I might kick in while we are having a conversation:

Me: Have you heard about \_\_\_\_ in the news? What do you think about inflation? Don’t you think its fascinating how the new technological advancements are occurring at a rapid space? What is your opinion about Elon Musk? Metaverse? Housing Market? Unemployment rate? What do you find fascinating? What do you think about social media and how it impacts this generation? What are your morals? What do you value? Where do you see yourself? How did you arrive to where you are now? What interests you and can you show me?…

any suggestions on what might seem off or what I might be doing wrong ? Thanks!

  1. Forgive me for the spelling and grammatical errors, I was really just jotting down my thoughts so didn’t get a chance for revision.

  2. stop texting, other than to push HARD for a quick coffee meeting to size each other up for possible dating potential; if you two really click, you could book a first DATE right then, or even extend the coffee meetup into a DATE.

    saves weeks / months of texting and then being ghosted or disappointed

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