I(22 m) am dating a girl(22f) for 6 months. We had around 13-14 dates during this time( one date/ 2 weeks, in average). We are at the same university.
Things started off well, we had good times together, but not great. We never had a great romantic chemistry. I mean, we met and did things, but never really felt very attracted to how she is or how she looks. On the 7th date we kissed and started to hold hands when we meet.
The problem is our relationship does not seem to progress. Sometimes I feel more like a platonic friend, than a romantic partner. We talk every day, by texting( never had a phone/video call), but our chats are not wow. I have tried lately, to be more interested in what she does, what she feels, when we are not together( like a bf wannabe). Usually I’m the one who starts conversations which are not related to university. There are days when she does not text me, if I don’t do it first. I don’t feel like she really cares too much. I’m the one who planned almost all the dates.
The point is I don’t know what we are. Sometimes I feel like she is my girlfriend, sometimes I feel like just a guy she sees when she has time. I plan to discuss all this stuff with her next time when we meet, but first I wanted to know what you think.

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