This is probably a really stupid thing to worry about but I 16(F) have this ‘friend’ (16F) who is super conceited. Honestly they are more like an acquaintance because they hang out with another friend of mine.

I realized that they always make it a point of every convo to talk about how much clothes and accessories they can afford. I had an actual person i considered a friend like this in 4th grade through middle school, and i knew she was only friends with me to use me as a punching bag.

Recently I gave the acquaintance my socials, i have two diff accounts. I accidentally gave them the wrong one, and out of curiosity or probably paranoia I wanted to see who they follow. And I realized that everytime I followed someone like an artist/celebrity they would also follow the same one gradually, on the same day.

Even before this I’ve noticed they’ll wear the same color shirt and style of dress as me. I also once told them my secret and then proceeded to hear that same secret from another friend that day. How do i tell them to unfollow me and keep a distance cuz i don’t like where this is heading…

  1. Just unfollow or limit them and keep your mouth shut around them, just casual conversation, no secrets or anything they can use against you.

  2. a) they’re insecure
    b) they like you
    c) that’s not what gradually means

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