So I’m from the US and my boyfriend is from Europe. We’ve been together for a year. Cut the story short, he claims he’s moving for love and used the rest of his money to buy a plane ticket to my state. He has absolutely no money left, doesn’t have a place to stay and is depending on me

We’re both 20. His plan was to sleep in my dorm and “hide there” but that’s not going to work at all. His next plan was to live with my mom but she’s a single mom already struggling for 4 kids. He’s never had a job and doesn’t plan to work after he moves to “focus on his new life”

Unsure what to do now

  1. I suggest you tell him, “Don’t bother coming here. I don’t want to date someone so irresponsible, who makes major life decisions without consulting their partner, and would expect me to so suddenly take complete care of them. We’re over. Goodbye.”

  2. Refuse all that.

    Make sure he is not dependent of you in any way.

    And what he is doing is a red flag all over the place, someone in their right mind won’t do this.

    Lastly love is selfless, here the guy is selfish.

    Tell him no, to all that, is that simple. Once you do so, you will see his true self in the way he will respond.

    Please be smart.

  3. Tell him his new life includes getting a job, working to make money so he won’t be down to his last dollar or euro to get a plane ticket to go mooch off you and your mom.

  4. Reject everything. He’s going to ruin your life all in the name of “love”. Tell him stay where he is and when he gets more established then he should move but if he doesn’t plan on doing anything then he’s gotta go. If it doesn’t align with your lifestyle and goals then you’ve gotta leave it. If it doesnt align leave it behind.

  5. Well you sound like you’re in deep shit don’t you does he have a Visa to stay here and work there’s certain applications he has to fill out to be able to legally work here if not you’re going to be financially responsible for him and I don’t see that going over well for you or your mother you need to figure out a different plan like not letting him come to live with you and sneak and hide away in your dorms or obligate your mother to take care of him if he doesn’t know your address I wouldn’t give it to him

  6. I’m just trying to figure out what he’s going to focus on in his own life if he doesn’t have a job to financially support himself and oh I don’t know feed himself is he really expecting you guys to take care of him 100%. I tell him to get lost and he better not show up it will be the biggest mistake you make next to getting knocked up by him

  7. He can’t immigrate to the US. Hopefully someone with no plans and no return ticket should be stopped at the airport

  8. What visa did he get? Unless it’s a work one then he wouldn’t be able to work anyway. I would either try to convince him to not get on that flight or buy him a flight home and tell him that if he doesn’t take it then he will be single and living on the street.

  9. noooooooo don’t let him hide or move to mom. This guy wants to use you. how will he eat? who will pay? how will he buy items for life? who will pay?

  10. Sooner or later he has to leave your place; semesters and leases end. Plus, you have classes, possibly a job, family, friends and other obligations. How are you supposed to provide food, shelter, clothing, and insurance for him? Plus keep him company! He needs to grow up and he can visit you properly but not in this foolish way. If things work out, later you can take about moving countries.

  11. He’s a classic hobosexual.

    Keep your door locked, don’t give him a penny. It’s even better if you just say ‘oh hell no!’ and stop talking & texting with him.

    Just because he’s giving you a little bit of attention doesn’t mean he’s your boyfriend. He’s giving you attention so that he can freeload and get some sex as well as free food and lodging.


    Not to mention that unless he’s got dual citizenship, he may not even be in the country legally and can’t work.

    There is nothing good going on here, and there’s nothing in this for you.

  12. You have to brace yourself and tell him he isn’t going to be with you. You can’t ruin your life for his delusional headtrip.

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