When I was 15 I was online trying to meet people around the world, I would start up convos with whoever because of curiosity and wonders ya know? Typical kid things. I happened to come across a man in his early 20’s and we had normal conversations that never seemed out of line or weird, but now that i’m in my 20’s i think about bow weird it is that he was even talking to me. He never stepped out of line whenever we messaged (nothing ever sexual or creepy) but it still feels super weird thinking about how I was literally still a child. I dont think it’s right for a 20+ year old talk a lot with 15 year old girl on the internet, there was no business for that at all. I don’t reall know if a platonic friendships with adults at the age of 15 are normal.
I was reflecting on it because in a couple of years it will literally be about 10 years of an online friendship, but while I was high i was thinking about how maybe I should just drop it because it feels a bit off maybe.

I never have brought up how i was literally a child when I began talking to him, and have started to ignore him much. He’s a genuine guy but perhaps is in the wrong. It’s giving weirdo behavior…

Should I stop talking to the friend I made at the age of 15 because he was in his 20’s and thats just kind of off to me ?

  1. >I never have brought up how i was literally a child when I began talking to him

    So he never knew your age?

  2. This isn’t a weird thing, at least to me. Online or not. When I began working at 16 years old, I made tons of friends with people who are 10-20 years older than me, and I think it’s very fun to have more friends to hang out with and people that I can sometimes go to life advice for. The guy was never sexual or creepy… so I don’t get what the problem is? Of course if he was either of those things then it would definitely be a red flag. But you’re seriously only 5 years apart… there’s guys in my workplace that I have a larger age gap with, and I’m happy to be good friends with them. It may be more normal for me because I am 8 years apart from my older brother and 12 from my older sister, so I easily make friends with those older than me. But I don’t see anything wrong or weird about your situation. It’s a platonic relationship… and it’s likely he thinks of you as a little sister.

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