What is the worst attempt at humour you’ve witnessed on a date?

  1. Little background, I’m originally from South Korea, I’m really short, slim, flat as a pancake, went on a dinner date with a guy I met through a friend, randomly during the date he tells me..

    “You know, if you ever wanted to be female to male trans you could pull it off because you got no tits!” And he fucking chuckled

    I was stunned

    He told me it was a bad joke and he thought I would laugh, nothing has ever beat that.

  2. Dude kept saying stuff like “you’re not trying to sell me your OF so you got that going for you”.

  3. On the first date, this dunce said, “So now that we’re here, I know you are independent, but I think the man should always be in charge, ha ha . Don’t you?”. Once he saw my, “motherfucker what” face, he got more stupid. He yanked my menu from my hand, and said “For instance, I am going to order for you” and laughed. I refused to say anything. I was trying to stare so hard he’d spontaneously combust. He listed items he thought I might like. I robotically said “Ladies Room”. Proceeded to the parking lot, got in my car and drove away.

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