I’m a solidly average guy(20), probably a 6-6.5/10. I work 7am-5pm M-F and I live in a town of about 10,000 people. So not a very big town. Most of the people that I interact with are between 30-50yrs old because of work. After work I go home do my cleaning up and cook myself dinner. By that time it’s about 8pm. I go relax and try my luck at online dating because there’s nothing happening in my little town. I also can’t go to bars because I can’t drink. There’s a college here but I don’t know any college kids so I don’t get invited to things. I have a small friend group that I don’t talk to very often. How can I improve my situation? I cannot move because of some unpredictability of my life, I’m getting onto the kidney transplant list.

Edit: Online dating doesn’t work, at all. I’ve also been single for 3 years, not so much as even a date.

1 comment
  1. So cold Approaches with girls in college, talk to them introduce yourself, be playful and funny, flirt, and then if you two have a fluid conversation for 5-10 mins then suggest to meet up again and get their number to set it up.

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