Basically a mate of mine lost his shit last night over a drink. My British mate invited him out with us and they went off to the bar to get a drink. We went to the next bar and he said to the Irish chap ‘it’s your round’ and the Irish dude just lost it because apparently the Brit never actually got him a beer in the previous bar. Fair enough, that’s a dick move but he’s now claiming to show the bank statement that he bought his own beer and went nuts on WhatsApp at around 4am at the other guy.

This normal in Ireland??

for context: he said this would’ve never happened back home with the lads in Ireland

  1. Don’t know if I would’ve gone ballistic over it but the Brit did pull a dick move.

  2. Nah mate, this isnt normal…to that extent. Though your friend may have been defending his honor by bringing up the bank statement. Germans are vicious when defending their honor

  3. That’s normal for UK and drinking. Kinda world known thing, stay clear of drunk brits.

  4. Why did your mate buy his own drink in the first bar if there was a round in play?

    I feel that, if there’s a round system in play and you’re part of it, it’s important that you honour your round when it’s your turn. I think it’s also acceptable to decline to be part of it, as long as you do so before the first round’s bought. If you have ruled yourself out, you shouldn’t be asked to get a round in.

    Feels like a bit of an over-reaction, but as I said, not enough info.

  5. Is there an r/Irish or r/ask an Irish subreddit? Seems more appropriate to ask there than here.

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