If you could bring one famous person back from the dead and spend a week with them, who would you choose and why?

  1. Freddy Mercury

    I’ve always been told he was one of the kindest men and talking with him about life, music, and maybe having some goofy fun would probably be a dream come true… Hell, I’d love to cross dress with him and hit a gay bar.

  2. Robin Williams. He seemed to have a genuine nature and care for people. I could use someone who would actually give me the time of day and emotional validation I desperately need. I think he could be it.

  3. Marcus Aurelius, his book practically saved my life when I was at my lowest.

    Plus, it’d be crazy to think that your journals, which you just wrote your thoughts on could inspire people thousands of years after your passing.

  4. Richard Feynman – so much to learn from a truly fascinating person

  5. Guess it depends on the rules here. Do they just poof disappear after a week? Or does my time with them just expire, and they get a second go, and like have to go find a job.

  6. Jerome “Curly” Howard….a chance to talk with him as a regular guy would be priceless imo…

  7. Martin Luther King.

    First to meet Barack Obama.

    Then work on “voting rights reforms”

  8. Depends entirely at which age you get them back , I don’t want to do anything with a rotting corpse/skeleton or a hot celebrity who was 96yo when she died.

  9. I’d love to say something cool or inspiring about giving Hawking a chance to know his theory about Gravity Waves was correct or letting Harriet Tubman see how far the world’s come and all the good her legacy did. Maybe let her meet Ruby Bridges or Ketanji Brown Jackson. Let Van Gogh see his legacy like that episode of Doctor Who

    But I’d really love to bring Steve Irwin back. Let him see his kids and how Robert is carrying on his legacy, maybe let him meet his grandkid and say a proper goodbye to his wife.

    I owe it to him for the love of wildlife he helped spark in me.

    Part of me wants to say Bourdain, maybe just for a dinner, eat at my favorite local spot, just pick his brain and hear him speak. One of my biggest regrets was missing a book signing of his because of work and funds. But I honestly don’t know that he’d…well he’d be absolutely furious at the state of the world…and I don’t see him as having that much unfinished business.

  10. I’d bring back one of the cavemen who did the cave drawings. Then I would teach him to write “hi (explorer who found the caves name) we’ve been watching you” then I would probably take him to the natural history museum to spend some time with his family
    Edit: I thought it was just a day so on the second day I would take him to a suit shop and get him a tuxedo, we would then go to laser quest and have a pizza, on the third day we would go to a theme park in his tuxedo and I’d give him cotton candy. On the fourth day I would make him watch all of Star Wars so he might draw some Star Wars stuff in the cave to really confuse people. On the fifth day I would enter him in a fighting tournament where he would beat up everyone because he is a cave man. I would bet on him and make money up until day 7 where I would get him arrested just before he teleports back. Then film the polices reaction when he disappears.

  11. My mother’s mate.

    He got into gunfights with poachers in Africa, killed one of his assassins with a karate kick, went out drinking with the crown prince of Japan, published books on martial arts, sailed on whaling ships in Antarctica, shot two polar bears before eating them, received numerous death threats from the Yakuza, became a multi millionaire, bought and restored a forest, starred in whiskey commercials on TV, traveled to the arctic aged 17, published children’s books, presented nature documentaries, had the Prince of Wales come visit his house, made and sold his own brand of whiskey, set up a nature reserve in Ethiopia which became a UNESCO world heritage site, became half of a TV stand-up comedy team, built his own dojo and stocked it with weapons of dubious legality, was a pro wrestler, published several more books, gave a TED talk, cooked mountain bears for dinner, beat cancer, become a citizen of several countries, had one of his books turned into an anime movie, became a voice actor, gave speeches around the world, earned five black belts, wrote for national newspapers, produced albums of boozing songs, become famous, received an MBE from the Queen and starred in a TV commercial for the Mitsubishi Delica.

    Fucking legend.

  12. Haha Mr. Marvin. Gaye.

    We’d spend the whole week in the recording studio, making music, talking about manhood/faith/women…

  13. 2 Pac.

    That week would be a trip. Deep conversations, watch him just roast dudes and not give a F, hanging out with every rap star friend of his. My IG pics with him would be fire. lol

  14. Nikola Tesla. I’d ask for a guided tour of his notebooks (before they were confiscated). Would like to learn the secrets of broadcast power.

  15. I dunno, I have a feeling that Leonardo Da Vinci would be a very interesting person. But I can’t speak Italian.

    I would show him all the advancements in material and science. I would show him modern air travel and other advancements on some of his more famous designs.

    Then see if he has any more ideas after seeing WTF we’ve been up to.

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