exactly what the title says,

I think I have minorly caught feelings for my FWB, and think he has for me as well.

I want to talk to him about it, but I am unsure how to approach it, as I feel there are barriers keeping him from saying something.

There have been a lot of things go on that make me suspect he has feelings for me, and I know a lot of our friend group thinks we’re dating, but we arent.

Well, practically we are, without the title.

*I dont want to make a huge post, but if anyone finds the time or wants to chat with me about it, that would be cool. I dont have anyone to talk to about it*

How do I approach this conversation with him and get over my insecurities and fear of rejection in regards to it? If he doesnt have feelings for me, I’m going to feel like an idiot and may lose him as a friend for awhile based off of that.

  1. Tell him you think you’re getting to the point where you’re ready for some type of relationship (not necessarily with him) and tell him it’s best if you end the FWB situation. See how he reacts. This will either save you from developing further feelings and allow you to keep your friend, or, it could spark the conversation you are hoping for

  2. Yeah isn’t it funny how repeated sex with someone does that ? Intimacy is so strange

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