I am referring to people who are much below retirement age but they are so wealthy that they do not work at all. Much like how the wealthy elite during Victorian times or even Roman times did not work at all.

* What percentage of the population are these people?

* How did they obtain their wealth?

* How much do they earn?

* How much wealth do they have?

* What do they do all day since they do not work?

  1. People still do some kind of “work” even if they are rich enough to retire. You have to understand that while work is important to survive, people also use work as expressive outlet or as a status symbol.

    Because of that I don’t think anyone will be able to answer you. At best we could provide data of how many people have X amount of wealth, but that won’t mean that they are retired and not working

  2. It’s very very rare. Even if they are billionaires, they still work in some way or another. For example as a CEO of some company.

    But the people that could potentially do it are probably like 0.1% of the population. Maybe even less. They usually own successful businesses.

  3. There is no data on this kind of people. There are 141.100 millionaires in my country (that has 11 million inhabitants). The richest of them all work.

  4. Those who became very rich in the past decades are usually workaholics and they will work till death. Maybe 0.1% of working people, at most, when counting millionaires. I don’t think we have billionaires here.

    A rich couple got wealthy by creating a video game app for mobiles, I think, which sold well in China. One guy got rich by building ultra light aeroplanes. Some did it by exploiting the transition period from socialism to capitalism in the early 90s, etc.

    The richest people here imo, are those with free weekends, a garden and friends to invite to a bbq. So actually a lot of people are rich 😛

    But if you think you can get so rich to stop working, you either hit a jackpot, inherited everything or are just dreaming.. You need a sustainable lifestyle that you enjoy, to be rich, no need for fashionable trash.

  5. Well if being a CEO of a big company or a politician in hmm Prime Minister’s chancellery or a Sejm deputy doesn’t count, I would say…0%? I mean to completely not work at all, you’d have to be a magnate, nobility which isn’t really possible especially after communism? We have a problem with nepotism though

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