Do you believe you’re a good person and if so, why?

  1. Definitely not good. But at least I’m usually not the biggest asshole in the room.

  2. Not good person, but I believe in ” you set the bar I will raise it” you are good with me I will be better with you but if you bad with me I will be worst with you.

  3. I’ve been told I am, and I know I have plenty of moments I’ve done good deeds. I’m not always like that though. I’m probably not the villain in anyones story but I’m definitely an asshole in a few of them.

  4. I’ll say this I just prefer to be myself so people think I’m mean. I just don’t like being in social areas. If someone hangs with me most know I like joking for the giggles

  5. Being good is an objective. Getting better is an asymptote. You get closer everyday.

    Ay least I try. I don’t think I’m an asshole for sure. The rest is not for me to tell.

  6. I do. Do I always do good things? Debatable, but I try to help others when I can and make the world a better place. Maximize good and minimize harm is my approach, though I’ve no doubt some people would consider me a heathen who will burn in hell for…reasons.

  7. I work very hard to be, and see many people who don’t work hard who aren’t nice.

  8. I’m neither good or bad I’m just me and if you don’t like it then f..k off!

  9. Yes, I regularly put others (especially my family) ahead of myself even to my own detriment. And most of the time I’m looking to do more as I know I’m capable. Considering all the shit I’ve been through, I got no problems answering yes.

  10. I don’t think that’s for me to decide. I can only do what I believe is right. Whether that makes me good or not is for others to judge.

  11. I try to be the best person I can be everyday and treat others as I want to be treated that’s the best I can do.

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