2 days ago I was on tinder, swiped right on a guy, he was 6000km away, and first message he sends is “I didn’t know there were cute monkeys out there 🙈😍”

I was so shocked like I couldn’t believe what I was reading 😂. I’m African and he was white so you can see how that’s racist. I asked him ‘MONKEY ??!!😳’ then he unmatched. I should have beat him to it.

Anyway, I know people always say it on here but damn online dating is not where it’s at. Deleting that app today

  1. I’d like to start by saying that I’m so very sorry. You deserved none of that. He was obscene, racist, excuse of a man who is likely very, very alone if he’s swiping on women hundreds of kilometers away.

    Don’t change who you are or what you’re doing because of some neckbeard. He can only hurt you if you let him.

  2. Those dating apps are as good as they make themselves out to be.

  3. Your knight is probably in the real world building his life not on tinder

  4. Good lord what a dbag. Never been on any apps. Way to low self esteem. Just riding out a perpetual single lifestyle until the eventual mental breakdown.

  5. I got banned from tinder cuz i would roast those men every chance i got 😭😭😭 stupid ass pick up lines..
    Fuck that racist !! You’re beautiful no matter what !! I don’t need to see you to know that !! Your king will find you eventually !! Prefect for a queen !

  6. There isn’t a knight in shining armor. Life isn’t a fairytale and if it was none of us would be the main character.

  7. Everybody on apps seems to have the exact same interests and hobbies as if they all copy their profile from a template. Hiking, biking, fitness, is all I see. Sure I do those things as well, but I wanted to meet other people with more things than just those, like what do they do when they are at home, turn on their idle switch and wait to go outside?

    I have a better chance of meeting girls irl than on apps.

  8. There are assholes everywhere. Good luck though. There are some good ones too.

  9. You shouldn’t take things like that to heart. I had someone unmatch me as soon as I said I’m originally from another country. People can be so horrible

  10. After the advent of rifled barrels some centuries ago the knight in shining armor lost all utility in warfare, greatly curtailing their numbers.

    Also they were kind of assholes. Big on pillaging and raping.

    You’ll probably want to look for less flashy, immediately eye catching men. Men who talk less and listen more.

    Also just avoid any white guy who says he’s a-political or doesn’t like to talk politics. He’s a Republican 9/10.

  11. Jesus Christ this entire comment section is a mess. OP go live your best life and fuck the haters

  12. Yeah a lot of people are keyboard thugs. I never had luck on dating sites or apps. I always find significant others when least expected.

  13. Worst part about that comment he made is that he’s probably said that to some black women and gotten laid. So now he thinks he can say that to anyone

  14. I don’t how foolishly young you are but don’t give assholes attention. It just affirms their behavior. If you’re not going to physically pummel them into the dirt (which I will *always* support) then just ignore them.

  15. I get maybe a match every 3 months so not much harm to my mental health from the salt in that regard LOL.

  16. One good thing about him as that at least he was upfront so you could run as fast as you could as soon as possible

  17. I would have cussed his ass out/up/down, unmatched, and reported. Good riddance!

  18. Tinder is honestly a cesspool of vain people looking for hookups. Not the place to find love.

    I would recommend match.com since it is a much more serious dating website where people are looking for relationships.

    You have to pay a sub fee, but that honestly just filters many of the uncommitted and bad ones.

  19. I don’t know where you live, but if you want to take a chance once you’re in NY, give me a shout. You seem like a no nonsense person, which I admire

  20. Man you and me both. I’m waiting for a one girl who know how to be mentally mature. I’ve just realized I can’t get around patience smh

  21. You know…. the human thought process has got to be one of the most mysterious things we will never understand.

  22. Girl that’s not a knight he’s probably one of those white rob wearing men with a racial kink 😩😭 dating can be hella difficult

  23. Please stop replying to guys like that. Report, Block, Swipe. We don’t give our energy to negative people.

    Dating is best in person. Online has too many risks and not as much reward.

    Think of the type of guy you like and go to places that he’d ideally go to. Certain grocery stores, museums, churches, gyms, whatever is similar to your interest. Just dress cute but casual.

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