I got married last year. My passport, bank, driving licence and everything (apart from hmrc) is in my maiden name still. I should be able to still travel on my passport shouldn’t I? (I booked the ferry in my maiden name too etc)


  1. Yes but take your marriage certificate with you anyway just in case, but if all details match your maiden name I can’t see there being any issue. For a while I travelled with bookings and card in my married name and passport in my maiden and I needed to show my marriage certificate as the names didn’t match but it was fine then.

  2. Yes. The name on your passport just has to match the name on your tickets.

    ETA: you might want to take your marriage cert with you anyway, just in case you need to (for example) show a covid pass or something like that that’s in your married name.

  3. If all the details match it should be fine. After all lots of people keep their maiden name, so what you are doing sounds like normal life for millions of married women.

    The only issue might be if some things were in your married name and others in your maiden name.

  4. Yes, I would make bookings in your maiden name while you are abroad as well.

    Hotels tend to ask for ID so it’s best that it matches your passport.

  5. Yep, you’re good to go. I’ve been married nearly 6 years and haven’t changed anything other than bank accounts, mostly out of laziness!

  6. There’s no legal requirement to change your name when you marry, it’s merely done by convention.

  7. No problem so long as your ticket matches your passport. I married 5 years ago and only changed my passport this year when it ran out. I’ve had 5 years of business travel (i.e. Lots!) in my maiden name with my passport in my maiden name, and my driving licence in my married name. Strangely, you are required to change your driving licence to your correct name and address, but not your passport.

    My bank cards are in my married name, but my credit cards are still in my maiden name as its too much hassle to change them.

    In fact, the ONLY time I had it pulled up was when I was trying to buy something expensive in Selfridges once, and they took my married name to register it. I then went to pay with my credit card and they questioned me as the names didn’t match. They were happy to accept my explanation though 🙂

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